4 October – 10 October
This week was a rather…interesting week in the internet world. On Monday we saw Facebook & Co shut down for around 6 hours and losing $65 million. On Tuesday we saw the entirety of Twitch being leaked (change your passwords if you haven’t already). The world of gaming also had its fair share of news this week.
Far Cry 6 Release
Far Cry 6 was released on Wednesday to very average reviews. It has been dubbed as bland, a waste of potential and incredibly mediocre, while also causing controversy for its politics and some mini-games. It's an average game in a franchise that needs to be saved. Ubisoft seems to be losing its touch with release after release of games its audience just finds mediocre or not playable at all. And we saw that with another release we saw this week.

Ghost Recon: Frontline 1st Trailer
On Tuesday Ubisoft released the trailer for Ghost Recon: Frontline and it was quite disappointing. The reveal trailer is currently sitting on 12K dislikes compared to 3.8K likes. The new title will be a Free to Play class-based battle royale. It looks generic and the fans are unhappy about it, me included. I am a die-hard Ghost Recon fan. It was some of my first shooters and some of my favourite games. To see the averageness of Wildlands, whatever that was that they called Breakpoint, and now this? I want this game to be good, but knowing Ubisoft, I'm keeping my expectations very low.

Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy Announcement
To celebrate the 20th anniversary of GTA 3, Rockstar Games announced remasters of GTA 3, Vice City and San Andreas. The Definitive Edition will include graphics and gameplay improvements set to be announced in the coming weeks. We haven’t seen much footage and only one trailer. Rockstar doesn’t have the greatest reputation now after GTA V’s Expanded and Enhanced reveals so this can make or break the company. It’s expected to release in early 2022.

Windows 11 Release
Our last bit of news this week is the release of Windows 11. Although not gaming news, it is an OS that claimed to have a focus on gaming. It already had a bad start with the release of its spec sheet. The strictest yet for a Windows OS. It also is still missing features that Microsoft promised and will only be adding later, and its gaming performance is minimal at best. Worthy of an upgrade so soon? Well, that’s up to you. The upgrade is free on existing Windows 10 systems provided you have the specs to run it.
What news are you looking forward to? Anything you’d have added? Hit us up on social media and let us know! Written by Chris J.