Its time for Crypto’s inevitable return after the success of 2020’s DAH remake, and in a spectacular second remake for the franchise, nonetheless. It comes this August, but we will have to be patient for the full game right now. In the meantime, I got access to the demo of Destroy All Humans 2 Reprobed and got to see what Black Forest Games and THQ have offered us with the latest instalment in a the classic PS2 franchise.

Well, there is no point beating around the Furon bush, so I am going to cut to the chase here, the original sequel was my favourite of the franchise as it gave us a better story, expanded gameplay, increased arsenal and more environments. In 2022 with the demo of this, I can see the developers have honoured all these improvements seen back in the day and then some. We even have split screen coming with the full release which is mind boggling in modern days of only online co-op.
Excluding the odd audio sync issue, graphical bug and stutter on my PC, this demo is fantastic. Before you worry, I would not worry your pretty human brain, these issues I mention were addressed with the last games demo by release and this version I got my hands on is likely a 3–6-month-old build anyway. So I have faith, by the time we all get the final release, these little problems would have been destroyed.

> See the gameplay reveal trailer here
First off, the game controls so much more fluidly, and the environments just look so much more densely packed. These aspects of the game and the dry comedy from our main cast where the first things I noticed and loved. The graphics are largely unchanged, which is not a bad thing. Certain animations and textures look improved but generally this looks on par if not better than the previous remake.
The demo itself lets you play a fair few missions too, which shocked me given how demos are so rare these days, as gone are the days of demo discs. It was surprising that I was able to play three whole missions, albeit smaller in scope and early in the story. However, this is what I love to see, let us, the players get our hands on games, try them out before we buy them. The developers let us do just that with Reprobed and they deserve some praise for this.
Flying your saucer is even better here too with the cloaking ability and improved tractor beam design. I just wanted to cause utter mayhem like I did when I was 13 which is exactly what this franchise is about. Colours of the world, the dry and comedic voice acting, even destruction physics and explosions just stand out in this demo. It gets me insanely excited for the full release on August 30th, a mere two months away.
I won’t mention any of the key story beats or further thoughts until I get my hands on the full game for a review later in the year but its safe to say that Black Forrest Games and THQ know exactly what they are doing with the DAH franchise. They respect it, they honour it, fans are listened too, and I cannot wait to do some major probing!
> See video version by Jontis here

By John.P